Monday, February 14, 2011

sUrpRizE, SuRPriZe...
It all started with a small request from Monica Spicer...  and from there the idea just grew and grew.  Never before have we been so excited about a new design... and now Kim is making one too!!! 

What fun we've had gathering all the ingredients:  short dense alpaca (as soft as velvet), pinkish red gingham, lime ticking, white ric rac, buttons and notions, trims and braids -- be sure to come back next week to see the finished result...

A little hint:  it's going to feature in the first issue of Bear Tales Volume 6, due out next month.


  1. I can hardly wait to get going on it....been fabric the cutest little shoes. Problem is I couldn't decide and bought enough for 2!

  2. That's ok... I am sure you will find plenty of people who will want to share your goodies!!
